Thursday, 16 September 2010

Feedback from Colour Scheme

I am going to ask my target audience for my film trailer what they think of my colour scheme and which one they like best. From the results i will then be picking my colour scheme that will go on my DVD cover and my movie poster and it will also have to link in with my movie trailer so that they are all consistent and link together. Below I have put my colour schemes so that it will be easier for the target audience to pick which one they like better as they will be able to see it.

I like number 1 and 2 for the colour scheme as it very conventional but I don't like number 4 because it doesn't look very appealing and might put the customer of buying/ watching the product. My best one is number 2 as it gives more variety of colour instead of just the 3 colours for the first one.

I like number 1 the best because I think that if it only has three colours which will give more effect on the poster and draw the audience in. I don't like number 3 as I don't think that the colours go very well together.

I like number 4 as it will relate to the location of the trailer and the pictures that might be taken to put on the poster. This will make all the products in nicely because the colour that is used portrays the wood.

Miss Walton
I Prefer colour scheme 2 as it will give more effect on the poster and the DVD colour and these colours will be able to be used in the trailer and portrayed as different things. I think that these colours give more variety than the other. I don't like colours scheme 3 as it doesn't fit the genre very well as the green colours are quite happy and don't link to blood/death.

I like colour scheme 2 as it looks very effective and can be linked to a lot of things in the trailer very easily. This will let the target audience know that they are from the same film as they will link in many different ways. I don't like number 1 as it is very simple and boring and won't be very effective at all.

I like number 2 as it is very effective and will look good on a poster. I like the colours and think that they work very well together. I don't like number 3 as it is very boring and simple and doesnt appeal to me at all as I don't think that the colours work together.

From this feedback that I have collected I have found out that a lot of people like colour scheme 2 and if the target audience like colour scheme to then the rest of the customer will as well. This puts a lot of confidence in my colour scheme that i have chosen as not just one person liked the colours a lot of people did. I think that this is very positive for my planning as it encourages me and makes me think that it will work very well. So the final colour scheme that i have chosen is number 2 which consists of the colours black, shades of grey, white and red.

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