Monday, 4 October 2010

Further Clothing Ideas for my actresses

From my earlier post on my clothing ideas I have thought more on what clothes my actor and actresses are going to wear and now I have got some pictures on the ideas that I have already come up with.
Actresses clothes
For the first couple of shots:
This is the kind of clothes that my actresses will be wearing when I shoot my first couple of shots of them getting ready in the bedroom and also walking down the woods and setting up the tent. This outfit will show the target audience that they are not used to the outdoor environment and what actualy clothes you are meant to wear. However, when they are packing you will see them putting wellies and tracksuits to get changed into so they know a bit of what is required when you go camping. These clothes show that they are happy and excited about going on the holiday.

Later on in the trailer
This is the kind of clothes that my actresses are going to be wearing. This is the casual look that most campers should wear. This shows that they do have some camping knowledge as they have dressed correctly to go bed or sit around the camp fire. This is the kind of clothes that my actor will wear when going to collect some firewood. I think that this outfit sums up the laziness of the camping holiday that the girls have taken.

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